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Sustainable Construction Materials : Glass Cullet EPUB, PDF, MOBI


Currently the global use of virgin aggregates is about 30 billion tonnes/annum and that of CO2 polluter Portland cement about 5 billion tonnes. Given the global sustainability agenda, much of the demand for these two sets of materials can substantially be reduced through the appropriate use of waste materials; thereby conserving natural resources, energy and CO2 emissions. Realistically, this change can only be realized and sustained through engineering ingenuity, new concepts in design and by engineers having more confidence, which is currently lacking, in the use of these recycled and secondary materials (RSM), especially in terms of their engineering capabilities and environmental impact. Although a great deal of research has been published over the last fifty years, sadly, it has remained fragmented and ineffective. Indeed, RSM continue to suffer from: Poor perception and their association with waste do not help matters Lack of understanding of the basics for to the use of materials in construction Industry is unable to appreciate the real value of using RSM in construction Professor R K Dhir, and his team of researchers, has been actively engaged in undertaking systematic, as opposed to narrative, reviews to develop a single global knowledge-base to encourage greater use of selected waste streams. This has involved identifying and sourcing of the worldwide review of the published literature in each of the selected subject areas (totaling 5000 publications up to year 2014), and making a critical evaluation, analysis, synthesis and repackaging of the published data, with the emphasis on their potential for future use in construction. The focus of these massive systematic reviews has been to encourage the uptake of recycled secondary materials (RSM) by the construction industry as well as guiding researchers to recognize what is already known and avoid wasting resources in reinventing the wheel; instead they should direct their efforts to furthering the knowledge-base. Arising from this systematic analysis and evaluation reviews are five uniquely assembled books which we propose to publish as a series of as five stand-alone titles, as listed below: 1. Recycled Aggregates 2. Copper Slag/Washed Copper Slag 3. Sewage Sludge Incinerated Bottom Ash 4. Glass Cullet 5. Municipal Solid Waste Incinerated Bottom Ash Provides an extensive source of valuable data-base information, supported by an exhaustive and comprehensively organized list of globally-based published literature over the last 40-50 years, up to 2014, with 5000 references Offer an analysis, evaluation, repackaging and modelling of existing knowledge, which should help to encourage better and more responsible use of waste materials Provides a wealth of knowledge for use in many sectors relating to the construction profession: Academic (for teaching at u/g and p/g level). Research (within academic and industrial sectors). Practice (prestigious construction, design and specifying organisations). Adoption of RSM use more widely (Certifying and standardizing authorities)., Glass Cullet, Sustainable Construction Materials, Sustainable Construction Materials: Glass Cullet

Sustainable Construction Materials : Glass Cullet by Ravindra K. Dhir DJV read book