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Ebook Melissa Alvarez - Simply Give Thanks : Change Your Thoughts and Actions to Become a New You!: a Beginner's Guide to Joyful Living Through the Power of Spiritual Gratitude in MOBI


Spiritual Gratitude is changing your thought patterns and actions which will change your life. The purpose of this book is to help you make spiritual gratitude a regular practice in your daily life to aid in positive growth and self-improvement, which will help you experience more happiness and joy. It is designed to empower you to create tremendous positivity in your life by becoming more spiritually grateful through a wide variety of hands-on exercises. Spiritual Gratitude, spirituality and consciousness are all connected to the cosmos of divine knowledge, all of which identify you as a spiritual being at your purest essence. Spiritual Gratitude is filled with transformative energy. The simple act of taking the time to be grateful can turn your life around. It doesn�t happen in the blink of an eye but instead you become more aware and in that awareness you will be transformed. Now is the time to begin. Are you ready? Through your gratefulness and actions you can transform your life. The goal is to live in joy, love, and oneness with your spiritual essence. It all begins by simply giving thanks in every aspect of your life. Gratitude is powerful energy when consciously chosen. Choose Spiritual Gratitude Today!

Simply Give Thanks : Change Your Thoughts and Actions to Become a New You!: a Beginner's Guide to Joyful Living Through the Power of Spiritual Gratitude by Melissa Alvarez read book DOC, TXT

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